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About Me

-My Name is Victoria Elizabeth Du Vall but i have many names as u can tell. but most ppl call me vicki or tori.
-i am taken by this amazing guy named adam p. t. and i have been since 12-7-07, its so awesome being with him! i love him and i dont want to be with any one else!
-i go to Von Steuben and im a sophmore
-i am pretty random at sometimes, other times i quiet... believe it or not im loud outside of skool and around ppl i know. but in skool or around people i dont know im pretty quiet....
-i have so many amazing friends i cant name them all but u know who u are
-i have 1 real sister, 1 half sister, 1 step sister, 1 step brother and many guy friends i consider a brother, and i have a few girls that i consider sisters.
-i have an obssession with Gummy bears, bubbles and anything that is candy....
-im known sometimes for my stupidty,randomness or weirdness
-I NEVER KNOW WHAT IM DOING UNTIL THAT DAY..well most of the time...
-feel free to talk to me on .. XbonXvivantX121
-i basicly live at adams house, so u can basicly always get ahold of me on his phone if i dont pick up...
-i love my kitty nymphadora, shes just like me basicly but a cat! so we have fun together, yes i do hang out with her!!!!!!! inside my house of course, but yeah shes the best cat out there and she will tell you. lol... i swear though sometimes she tries to talk to me when shes purring......honestly i think she is obssessed with my bed, stuffed animals and tennis balls, oh and feather she rather play with a feather then a piece of string!
-I am a writer but i cant write essays, my bf and some friends say my poems are pretty good, but i cant write essays to well... im not a huge fan of writing stories, i will either write a poem or a song sometimes even just random stuff...if u give me a topic i can prolly guarantee a poem or something
-and most of all I LOVE MY MOMMY im a complete mommys girl.....
-a quote:
"I have a belief in self will and people look at me strange when I say, forget god, I’m my own god, I am my own divine being. People might think that is ego: NO, that is belief in oneself. Some people will call that Satanism: I don’t care. My name is not Satan. I guess it is Valism.-Adrian Valerie(val from fashion bomb)" ****i just thought this was neat****
-Trees are funny sometimes. Sometimes they like, are really tall. Some are short, and stubby lookin. But to me, no matter how ugly they is. I loves them all.
-Random foreign tourist.
When I say..."I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I am saved" I'm whispering "I was lost" That is why I chose this way. When I say..."I am a Christian" I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble And need someone to be my guide. When I say..."I am a Christian" I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak And pray for strength to carry on. When I say..."I am a Christian" I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed , And cannot ever pay the debt. When I say..."I am a Christian" I'm not claiming to be perfect, My flaws are all too visible, But God believes I'm worth it. When I say..."I am a Christian" I still feel the sting of pain I have my share of heartaches Which is why I speak His name. When I say..."I am a Christian" I do not wish to judge. I have no authority. I only know I'm loved
Name Victoria Duvall
Gender Female
Age 16
Location Chicago, IL
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Both
Status In a relationship
Interests going to concerts
Music many bands, mainly powerman 5000, disturbed, mushroomhead and fashion bomb
Movies ask me
TV ask me
Books none
Quotes *Les grandes pensées viennent du coeur. : The greatest thoughts come from the heart. -- Vauvenargues *Rien ne pèse tant que un secret. : Nothing weighs more than a secret.--La Fonataine. *Il est difficle de vaincre ses passions, et impossible de les satisfaire.: It is difficult to master your passions and impossible to satisfy them. -- De La Sabliére. *L'orgueil est le consolateur des faibles.: Pride is the consolation of the weak. -- Vauvenargues.

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Registered Jul 27, 2008
Last update Mar 23, 2009

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